



攤開世界地圖,緯度相近的台灣與以色列分據著亞洲大陸東西兩方的邊緣之境。兩者位處亞洲兩側邊的地理之位的姿態彷若(括號)作用,框括著亞洲的疆界範圍,也括明了中心就在括號之中;中心與邊緣是一種互為互恃的作用狀態,也即是中心依憑邊緣而確立為中心之姿;反之,邊境不僅僅只是單元中心的邊緣,它亦是此處與彼處之間的中介位置與狀態,看似兩者的邊緣,更也是兩造交集之所在,因然地邊陲與中心始有一種反轉的態勢。以色列既臨亞洲西側邊境也近鄰歐陸,它身處歐亞的激鋒交界之處;而台灣不僅列處東亞門戶之位,也服膺太平洋區域另一側的權力中心,它是東亞勢力與太平洋彼端權力推移交鋒的中介之地。邊陲之境往往因地理情勢開啟更加複雜繁詭的政治樣態,因此可這麼說,以色列與台灣皆處於一種例外狀態(state of exception):主體的認同與整體性格態度乃是相當游牧、漂移,以及由此而生的去中心覺知。


策展人/ 蔡家榛

Taiwan - Israel Young Artists Interchanging Exhibition

Curator / Tsai, Jia-Zhen

Opening the world map, Taiwan and Israel, two regions with close latitudes, crouch on the eastern and the western borders of the Asian continent. They seem to uphold the function of (parentheses), not only bracketing the realm of Asia but also point out that the center lies within the parentheses. The center and the border are antagonistic with each other—the center is the center because there is the border, and vice versa, the border is border because there is a mediated space between this place and that place. What seems like the two sides of the border are actually the intersections of two places; hence there is always a turning point between the border and the center. On one hand, Israel spreads on the western border of Asia and neighbors Europe, and she tiptoes between Europe and Asia. On the other hand, Taiwan not only serves as the portal to East Asia but is the key to the power struggle across the other side of the Pacific, and she swirls as the middle ground between the power struggles of East Asia and its counter part at the other side of the Pacific. The borders are open to complex political status quos because of their geographies; we may say that both Israel and Taiwan are in the states of exception: the recognition of the subjectivity and the overall attitude lean toward drifting and nomadic states, which lose the feeling of the center. 

In conclusion, the young artists of Taiwan and Israel have shown the traces of contemporary art in their creative form. Perhaps they might be following the Western trends. However, the unique political and historical factors of these two regions nurture the contents of the art works, and establish the recognizable traits of artistic characteristics and expressions. Taiwan and Israel share the borderline regions’ complexities and recognize their own strengths and development potentials.They have converse with each in the mirror-like realm of art. Back to the stage as a predecessor of the exhibitions, the second Taiwan–Israel Young Artists Interchanging Exhibition in 2009, which display-mode is not only the continuation of the previous interaction / exchange form in 2008. But turns out straightforward ignoring the poetic title on it. However, the main concept of 2009 exhibition is trying to disaccustom and change the way people used to see exhibitions: rather reading for the paper artist statement more than getting involved to experience the feels of the art work. In this case, we hope the show can broad framework to make people do more communication to the work piece without just referring to the introduction statement. Also, willing to open more possibility of this concept for future activities.



策展人/ 蔡家榛, Curator / Tsai, Jia-Zhen


 ::  參展藝術家  ::


阿維塔.納尼/ 鐸爾.東恩/ 艾芙芮特.凱頓/ 居里.阿韋薩爾/ 蕾.歐帕茲/

納維.伊茲哈/ 歐哈.曼塔隆


許家榕/ 徐思穎/ 許尹齡/ 余政達/ 羅智信/ 牛俊強



::  ARTIST  ::


Avital Cnaan/ Dror Daum/ Efrat Kedem/ Gili Avissar/ Leigh Orpaz/  

Nevet Yitzhak/ Ohad Matalon



Hsu, Chia-Roun/ Hsu, Szu-Ying/ Hsu, Yinling/ Yu, Cheng-Ta/ Luo, Jr-Shin/

Niu, Chun-Chiang




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